

I am going to see if someone applied as Digital Marketing Analyst for the startup.


Having an interview with a potential Digital marketing analyst. She’s good till now. Now boss is asking questions. It’s been 90 mins so selected or not, she did spend her time on it.

Anyways….today’s my Birthday….gotta make 5 new posts for the whole next week.


Boss, an ex, family, a cousin, a university fellow who I could not invite to become socialist and a former boss.

…these people wished me Bday, today, in that order.


Did not write anything at 421pm. Now writing at 829pm.


In Mcdonalds today I spent 1800RS. Took a wrap of 300RS, and the rest was used by the littlest sister to have fun. I put a stop to it (I think) a bit b/c she was roaming outside the play area with her shoes off so I told her to go wear the shoes. One gets thirsty when playing and having to wear joggers everytime she wants to have her coke would have been difficult but I wanted her to know there’s always a “decorum” to maintain, in life. You are free till the point where your nose ends. After that, you are in public and must, must, follow the decorum of public space. Hope I was not too harsh though.


Watching a documentary on how to make workplace happy. Now I want to “liberate” the company I work for ๐Ÿ˜‚

But yeah in my own company, I am going to make no hierarchies, simple circles of responsibilities.

Bye for the day!


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