
So … today is 15 July. I woke up with the intention that I will go to University’s library to work because there’s AC there but learnt that Mom had decided to go to a nearby village to meet some relative so, I had to stay home with the kidlets. So … yeah, I am in home on a hot seat, literally and figuratively.

I have been feeling sad since the time sleep evaporated. Its my teeth hurting continually along with the realization that I can’t fix them. Its the inability to go to an AC environment to work … Its the burning palm of my hand as I write these words. I just took a bath and its still so hot. I wish the people pushing fumes into the air at an absurd rate, even today, could feel their hands burn everytime they sign a new decree against climate change. Revengeful. Satisfying.

Anyways … enough lamenting. Let’s eat lunch and get down to work.


Someday … someday!

3ish pm (I am writing this on 16 July)

Nana abu died yesterday. So we left for home. I came back earlier today b/c I had work to do. But I miss him. Will add details later.


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