So yesterday I bought a PC. Today I am trying to install the game I want to play on it. Its RDR2. It will finish downloading around the same time as my job will end today so … will play at night/morning.

One thing I just freaking realized with this is that I need a UPS and a Speaker set with it. Otherwise you know, not good. So yeah, that’s a worry.

259am the next day
I am feeling a bit tired. The game, RDR2, is still fking downloading. About 2 hrs are left. I have work to do so … I will just play it when it finishes. I want a vacation lol. To go to village for a week and take nothing with me. I know some will call me ungrateful for wanting too much but that’s the reason I don’t … actually take it right? I know as a human, it is in my weakness to want better, to try and move from good to best. Hub-e-jmal is a basic instinch of man. ughh!


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