
Planning for today, done. Let’s do what now?


Could not sleep so just completed payroll. Sleepy now!


Just woke up, about 20 mins ago. Set an alarm for 1150pm but then realized I could go and bring my sibling’s books from the stationery shop, earlier than 12pm. So … going there now. Then will pick her up and head back here. Then will bath, have a milkshake and sit here to start the day 4 hours before my planned work time.


Also have to submit fees so will go at 12pm, pick her up, collect the books, submit the fees and then come back to resume work.


I just finished doing some work. Now, I am supposed to be doing more work but Imma gon take a teeni tiny 🤏 2 hour break!


I wrote something here .. a long thing … but deleted it because otherwise the reaction of the reader can have me die in misery.


vo ksi ki he, Awais. Shut the fuck up and focus on what you have instead of mourning over what you won’t ever get. Love is not for the poors. Move on!


I am fucking done. I am done. I AM DONEEEEE I AM QUITTINNNGGG!!!!!!!

no you’re not, said the voice in my head!

My time ends at 1am. I start at 2/3 pm because that’s the only time I get to do marketing. But I can’t even log off at time. Its 341am. I just got off one call and now going to start another one. I hate it man. Why do I love working here, still?

The people upstairs are also working just like me so … why should I not? My boss works more than me, with his health problems as well! And then the pay … he’s generous. I know this will fall way short my expectations when my sister starts going to university but till then, I am trying to make this company a success so I can afford her education too. Let’s hope and pray?


PS: He cancelled today’s meeting so now, the EVEN MORE DAUNTING TASK is here .. plan tomorrow. Tell me what I should NOT DO amongst these Priority-one-Red-Muffers!

stuff I gotta do on 07.09.24 – Some stuff b/c image can’t scroll



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