
Yesterday (07.10.24 at 1/2am) I slept early … around 3am. This happened b/c I did not do a critical item I need to do every day which is then used to report a generate every Wednesday. Today I woke up at 9am and was like okay, let’s do that and today’s report. Then I slept and woke up at 12pm. And that is when the panic set in. I went to pick up my sister and then she had to have a biology book so we went to the Book Bank, bought the book (and a spiral register thank you very much!) for 1350 and then came back home and I told mom not to disturb me while I work and she put some milk and sonf (almonds+sugar+coconut all ground up together to make sonf) on my table and then I closed my door from the inside and then I am, now, doing that critical item.


So my littlest sister said she wants to eat Pasta. I ordered it. Now the littler one is crying saying these two (me and the littlest) “ayashi krte hen” and I have to save if I want to go to park or anywhere etc.

This is family. Finally. I am grateful for this.

And someone has really bad pictures of myself. It was way back in time when the grass was green, and the sky was blue. This guy took pictures of me bathing under the blue sky (obviously no genitalia) but I really really look thin and frail in those, which I was. And the big hands and feet and a long head makes it seem like I am a fucking alien lol. Now he is trying to scare me using those if I don’t stop saying stuff against Islam. Quite a thickheaded way to promote thy religion of peace 😂

And this wannabe blackmailer is a Molvi too … talk about cliche!


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