A time will come.

A time will come when people rule, and the state will be dissolved into people’s power. A time will come when there will be no myths surrounding childbirth in far-flung areas of my country. A time will come when few people will not be so greedy as to torture, kill and then smile for media too. A time will come when one’s children will be banned from harming their neighbor’s kids. A time will come when the poor and the rich will have just the appropriate difference in lifestyle. A time will come when technological corporations will be regulated. A time will come when the corporate giants will no longer evade taxes and the city of london will no longer keep the third world countries, third world countries. A time will come when bankers of the developed states will be prosecuted just like the rapists of developing countries. A time will come when the porn industry will be closed. A time will come when teenagers won’t have to go through phases of loves and breakups and we will marry off every individual at their ideal biological clocks.

A time will come when religion becomes a taboo to be judged upon. A time will come when we make whistle blowers our idols and kick the actors off of their high horses. A time will come without click-baits and borderline porno advertisements. A time will come when people respect each other’s time and attention. A time will come when a child won’t have to wait till death to become a human. A time will come when one goes into the job market to not be paid less than the work they do. A time will come when the surplus income, instead of going to the boss, will go to those who did the work. A time will come when no body’s land will be returned to no body. People will recognize land’s permanent state of non-ownership and humans will learn to live together on it. A time will come when justice won’t just be a slogan. A time will come when public institutions will serve private individuals. A time will come when we, the insects of this Earth, will be treated equal to the rich, the leeches of the Earth. A time will come when we will be religious while forgetting what religion was!


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