I am doing the routine task for job. I feel like I am becoming a burden on the startup and its taxxing me, a lot with each passing day. What should I do?

First of all, the reason is because the boss, he’s changed. The only two reasons are either he’s not happy with specifically my progress, or two, he’s busy in the deadline and so, that change in behavior is impacting everyone not just me.

I have not been able to get even one client from the online efforts till now even though we post daily and to a certain extent, do blogs too. If this was 2008, we would be really buzzing with crowds of clients. Its 2024.

I need a video based foundation of growth and boss has no time. I need time to research and publish more blogs, that satisfy users at every single stage of the sales funnel but hy, Awais is needed in CFO tasks. I am attaching a screenshot below of a single case which, right now, is sitting like a burden on my head. Who is supposed to take the worry if I am not? I don’t understand the answer to this question and somehow, if I take the worry of CFO side, inadvertently the marketing efforts slow down (or more accurately, they never get the time to pick up) and hy, who’s to blame, AWAIS, the marketing guy!

What should I do?

Here’s the screenshot btw:

notion being used, finally, hehe

So … and you know when I bring these things up to the boss, its like … hy Awais, he hired you to get stuff off of his plate, why are you being a headache instead?

Well … Idk okay. I am done. I really am. The routine task I do everyday and its good but its being taken for granted because we were supposed to “grow” with marketing. And what happens with marketing is written above. I wanted to upgrade the forms on site today. I have been delaying that for two weeks and its directly related to converting people at the end of sales funnel but you know what? I feel like crying instead. This is my chance to … rise and shine apparently and for some reason, I am not rising, let alone shining. And I don’t want sympathy. I want time. Dedicated month or two to “hy … you do marketing, we won’t disturb you”. I am craving that. I want to learn more and improve my skills by practicing designing, writing, and even PPC but … ughhh!

bye!!! let me do the routine task.

I feel like I am about to get axed. To get fired. I am about to get fired.


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