So .. this was perhaps the largest time I missed in the diary since I started this here on the website. I am sorry to myself for that! \

RDR2 is like 25% done. Now I am getting bored of it lol. Here’s material for a psychological PhD student. Why would a person so enthusiastically bent on playing his favorite game for 3 years become bored of the same in … 25% of the game completion?

Anyways, other than this, work is going well. I must make a hard move today which is unpleasant for everyone but hey, that’s business huh? One must come and one’s gotta go.

How are you, Mister or Miss reader? Was your today better than your yesterday? If not, easy scene, there’s always a tomorrow to save! Have fun!

Gratefulness List because I need it.

  1. I am earning good while doing the job I fucking love!
  2. I have a big monitor to multitask YAYYYYYYYYYYY
  3. I am working on myself.
  4. I am grateful for the existence of NFAK!


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