I just ended up watching a video on how not to procrastinate. I watched that video to procrastinate. They also gave a really cool URL btw…something like ed.ted.buildcharacter I guess.

Anyhoo, they said well, do 3 things when you are procrastinating. First off, write why you are procrastinating. Journal it. So I am doing that now. Then they said okay, break down the task you have to do into smaller chunks so you can make it more manageable. So, after writing this down or even within it, I will breakdown the task I am procrastinating on. The last suggestion they gave was keep distractions far away from you so my mobile is like … on the sofa behind me, along with my handsfree. So … I am trying to not procrastinate.

I am putting off mainly because while I was enroute to this library, my boss texted some adhoc work. It is totally okay because these adhoc tasks are not that frequent from him but I already had my day planned out. I was going to come and do payroll first, then write that blog one way or the other because even though I did like bits of what ChatGPT gave me yesterday, it all still needs more research and planning. I have content on “Why small construction companies should not use Jobber” but we are trying to get into Jobber partnership program as well so our website would be monitored by them so I have to phrase this one in their favor, euphemize it per say, I guess.

The task he gave us is just to double check if jobs are properly being invoiced or not, which again is totally fine. Its a simple thing tbh but he started with “try to do it together (me and one other person) and don’t spend more than an hour on it”. I love the latter part because to my perfectionist nature, the best remedy is time-blocking. But “do it together”. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOok. I hate it. But I will do it because he’s my boss so I have to do it. Besides the real problem is that even is today my plan was to go to library. I was halfway to library when he dropped this text and I can’t call in the library b/c you know, its a library. And he said do it “in the start of the day” so I can’t push it off until I go back home at EOD and do it then. So yeah. One I can’t call in the library and two I am dreading having to do it with someone else. It is not a difficult task but these two reasons make up the circumstances where now, it is difficult!

That’s one reason I procrastinated.

Second is well, I was unable to plan my day yesterday so now in Todoist, there’s a ton of tasks I have to replan. Seeing all those tasks in one place makes me feel so overwhelmed. Welp😓

How can I break down these tasks into doable chunks.

Well, One, I will … okay let me think this!

  1. I will do payroll right now. I like doing it plus its work off of my plate for today so … less burden and more happy hormones.
  2. I will “eat the frog” by writing the blog. I will reward myself for it too, by going to Metro when … well I can’t go to metro b/c the job ends at 1am and Metro closes at 10pm I guess … hmm. I will give myself a freeuse Metro coupon to be used whenever I want.
  3. Then I will tell my friend how I am in the library and can’t call him and I will tell him the dates where I am going to perform the .. no. Maybe okay … I have a cafe nearby so at 4pm, I will go there and do the call there. And I will ask if the librarian lets me use the meeting room but I doubt it because it is only for current NUST students. After ending that work, I will return back to library. Should I? Library closes at 9pm too so I will be going to that cafe at 9pm anyways. Okay for now … let’s just do what we have planned till now. Payroll. Then Blog (this will be a huge work off my plate). Then go to cafe to do the ad hoc task. About Todoist, we’ll think there in the cafe should we do it there or come back here to do it.

So .. let me start payroll. Its noon already. Bye!


Payroll is done. It was not easy but … it is done! Now I have to do the beeelog writing. I am taking a phone break till 3pm.


Went and met a guy who could help me hire a creative person for work. The insights I got from him are the following:

  1. I need to find a marketing “manager” who is willing to get down and dirty to work. (This is the kind of person who can then “head” a marketing department on his on)
  2. I should look for someone who is loyal to his work, not loyal to the company he works at. The 2nd type of people are non-existent now, he said and I quote. Personally, I want to oppose it but its too true.

Now I am going to start writing that blog.


Well, I wrote the blog half. I did not stop out of frustration or the lack of content but due to the excess of it. I am hungry and there’s more stuff to do so … will complete it tomorrow. So .. yeah, that’s it. Going to eat something from C1 and then go to McDonalds to do rest of the work.


Well, had Dahi Bhallay for 160. I am not going to McDonalds because it will be difficult to return back. Instead, to do the adhoc task, I am going to stay in C1 and see if using headphones, I can do it with the teammate. Let’s see!


BTW, one other thing that was really good in that video I saw to overcome procrastination is that the more time you laze around doing a task, the more “hard” it seems to be. And it is VERY true. In the morning, I was still feeling like eh, I will do it. Now it seems like a monster that will eat me 😞

0225am – Next Day

Planning next day.


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