Fictional dialogue between boys of different economic classes in Pakistan

(A is the son of the owner of multiple malls. B is the son of the owner of multiple shops in A’s dad’s mall. C is the son of the security guard of A’s mall tasked to stop poor cunts from looking at the mall)

B: Well, what do you think of me?

C: You are rich. And I come in confrontation with the likes of you most often so … I hate you more. I know you don’t deserve it, at least not the “more” part of it. But you are the one I envision to be, in the most visually relatable sense. I want to become rich and you are rich, at least that is how it appears to be. I know you are not the real enemy. But I hate you more because the whereabouts of the real enemy are unknown. You are nearby. You are accessibly. That makes you more … hate-able.

A: What about me?

C: I think you should die. If I started imagining how to punish you, it will overwhelm all parties involved. The only way you can be helpful is under 6 feet of dirt.

B: But why do you give him a clean death, one who has damaged you more, than me?

C: You are the enabler. That’s why. No general or colonel or police chief or industrialist or politician has ever physically assaulted me. They use you. You are their punch so my punch burns to fall on you whilst I know you are only being commandeered by the high and might “they”. They who live in the first world while looting the third world. They who use hope and care and exploit my nature to get money, more money.

B: But you also want money lmao! How are you making us like a villain when you infact want money too!?

C: Where did I say I am not evil? Oh, I am because my nurturing happened in a world controlled by you goons.

A: So, you want money too?

C: A lot of it!

A: Isn’t that unfair … to your own ideologically ideal world?

C: No

A: How? How are we having money bad and you having it will be good?

C: Good questions. You having money is bad because you did not work for it. You were born into it. You are spoiled posh brats … (points to B) and you were given the crumbs of his money to keep controlling us. You guys did not earn it. Me having money is good because I don’t have any right now. I am poor. These words are evidence of the fact, or I won’t have written them down. I am going to earn it.

A: You will never earn enough to match us.

C: I will never earn enough to match you. This footnote of yours (point B), I will pass soon. And yes, I won’t earn as much as you, but I will die trying.

A: You are also part of a political group that plans to bring us down, eh?

C: Not you two, just you. He (points at B) will correct himself when you are no more.


C: Bye.


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