Why should you date someone who keeps you #2? (NSFW)

(This was originally penned in 2021)

A man needs a woman and vice versa. The system shown in movies ‘She’s 4/10, ‘She’s 7/10, ‘Oh she’s gotta be a solid 10’, shows men’s clear (learnt) tendency to rate women on the basis of their looks rather than profession, strength, wealth or any other factor. A 40-year-old man can be ONE of these things (healthy, wealthy or powerful, and that’s enough for him to attract a girl. A 40 year old woman on the other hand with tons of wealth or health or power will still be whispered as an ‘old hag’ by her partner. They are after wealth, not herself, most of the time. 

An older man has no appeal of face whatsoever. From when he was born, he was told “dude, you gotta build muscle and be a courageous man. You gotta be strengthful and be powerful and wealthy to attract women”. So by the time he’s forty, he’s achieved something in at least one of these areas of life. As his age increases, the attractiveness of a man based on his attributes increases. That of a woman unfortunately decreases. 

A prime example of this is why women tend to hide their ages while men hide their income. Both of these things are the ‘mating deciders’ for both the genders. Now with age, experience increases. Maturity though does not depend on age but a man is moulded by his or her exposure in life to somehow, earn more. Making money is his goal since he was in his teens or Pre-adults. He’s experienced at it now. Woman tries hard to reverse her age but well, unless Mr. ZuckerBurg hits another jackpot, we ain’t having that age-reversal anytime soon. So, with age, woman’s attractiveness and appeal decreases and this doesn’t depend on her being a powerful, wealthy, healthy woman. She is going to be fifty, get wrinkly and be called old. Our mothers and sisters and daughters are going to age. It’s been this way, and it will continue this way. So … who should you date then in your 20s and 30s so the older, unattractive version of a woman can still get love and be respected? How can they have a person to belong to, later in life. (Wanting to belong to someone has roots both in men and women). 

Who should my sister be dating? What should they be looking in man? Wealth? Health? Power? Because these are things that man is going to develop and have attained much more of, in his 50s. That is a general probability. Then who? Someone downtrodden? Alcoholic? Addict? Narcissistic? Misogynistic? Well … NO. Never date a narcissist or alcoholic or a narcissistic person and if they become so while you guys are together, try to stop them until you simply can’t. Then give an ultimatum. If they still don’t run and don’t look back. Coming back to the topic then who should you be dating? 

Date a man with a vision. A man who wants to do something. It’s ok if he has a vision too big because you can always change it in scale. But with your amazing sexual appeal, you can stay close to literally any guy and find out if he has a vision in life or not? If he does not, get up and leave. Vision gives a direction naturally. So that man has a direction to move in and that direction is not you. This is a relief.

Even if today, you are an attention whore (which is fine, we all are) and that you would actually like his direction to be towards you, that is a very small journey. A year at max and I mean, AT MAX. Once you guys are together in a bedroom at night with no other person to disturb you for some hours in sight, that journey is over. Some months later, it is fetishes/BDSMs/Roleplays and then … nothing. Blank. Your body eventually gets tired of doing and having experiments done on it. Then you will settle for the classic old missionary, cowgirl or doggy style and that’s it. By this time, both of you need a new vision. Both of you because he had just your direction and you had a mission to make his journey longest possible. Now both of you are strays. You might get lucky and actually find a good purpose in life that resonates with your SO too, but well, personally, it fails more than it does not. Try to understand that both of you are two complete human beings with your own feelings, preferences and values. You are formed in different situations. Once you run out of bedroom adventures, that’s it. A purposeless life is a ticking bomb. Therefore, if you look for a man with a vision, you can very much certainly, on a sidetrack of life, spice up your sex life. But once out of that bedroom, that man will have a direction to walk in and not turn into a stray. He will come back burned out and tired at the end of the day to see the beauty of you, wanting your time, your body, your aroma and your warmth. He’s going to be more productive because of you in the day, And at night, harder 😉. It’s all because of your choice of choosing a visionary man. I know it sucks to hear this but well, the other side of the story makes your life suck after you are no longer a virgin. Choose a man with a vision. 

What is a vision?  To change the system is a vision. To earn tons of money is another vision. To control the country, you live in is a third example of a vision. To create something such that humanity benefits from it, is fourth. To be a scientist or a philosopher or a poet or a motherfucker with truckloads if Ferrari or a renowned academician are some more. But … if you choose someone today who is already wealthy and healthy with his only vision being to get in your pants, well then, he’s lost once he’s in there. Get a visionary for yourself. Don’t make excuses that there is not one. Don’t be too impatient to settle for someone who is not. 

Dating for women should not be to look for factors that a man is naturally going to improve in the long run. Date someone who has a vision for his life, and you’re getting a man as good outside the bedroom as he will be inside.

Who should men date? Someone hot with just the right amount of meat at right places to suit your hedonism? Her lips painted the color of your di**. No. Please no. It is not worth your energy. Drama queens with their emotional baggage are literally flea market material. (I am not against having emotional baggage, it is just to be dealt with by therapists, not your partner. Consult a therapist instead of stressing your SO).

Gentlemen, why do you, someone who earned his way up the society and worked on himself and improved one day at a time, you who spent days and nights alone and survived tons of stress by yourself, why should you be the one to get victimized on literally every fight because of reasons that you just can’t anticipate? Why should you be restricted, suffocated and used for a pu***? Why? Don’t go or stay in a relationship where you SO sucks your d once and make you do her daily chores, handle her emotional baggage, all the time. May I ask, who is handling your emotional baggage huh? Stop being used. Hourglass figures are achievable. But a positive, calm mentality is not so easy to find. Girls nowadays will listen to the word ‘non-violent’ and think ‘Why?’. Calmness is learnt. Just like you grunt in the gym as you teach your mind to tear old muscles making way for new ones, you control yourself and stop overspending and save for that better phone or a bike or whatever, why should it be too demanding from a girl to teach herself some basic manners? Why can’t she anticipate when you are overwhelmed from your day and not wish not to be disturbed? Is it too much to ask for?

You are allowed to have some alone time because you need to sort your things out too. You are responsible for everything, and she is in-turn giving you … what? The stuff a pre-adult teen is looking for is found on every single female. That’s it, there I said it. But remember, her jugs and bottom collectively can’t take the pounding that you give yourself everyday handling two people’s weight. Stop trying to lift it! Live like a man, not a democrat. There are other girls out. Wait for someone who accepts you as you are with your deepest secret, cruelest side (keep in mind this is not intended to give you a free pass to hit her! Physical violence is a crime, and pretty humiliating at that!) and most insecure issues. Choose someone who bears you being sad and silent for a time and doesn’t react but responds; someone who stops to ponder on your situation with your perspective like you stop to give her empathy on every fucking broken mug. Don’t choose a bomb for your dick. She will explode your favorite activities, your family and friends and well needless to say: you as a basic human. I know waiting is hard but sticking that pole into an emotional hole is just not worth it.

Who should you choose? A girl with a vision, simple. The reasons are the same as above but I’ll repeat them here once again. You can do whatever you want in bed with a girl who has a goal in her life. If you think this is not present in your partner, run. You might already be experiencing drawbacks like hypocritical standards, her not giving importance to your boundaries and being overly obsessed with some nitty gritty of like that stresses you out. If you think you’ll change her, you are intentionally letting yourself get hurt. If you can’t convince your own self to change and leave her, how can you change her? Choose someone who wants to do something with her life. Choose rationale and logic.

I can write more too but, I hope you understood all the stuff written above. I wish you good luck and a lot of strength. Choose someone with a vision for your life. Bye.


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