
  • 07.23.24

    229pmWell, its time to do work eh! 502pmThe stuff I have to do for a cleint daily, is done. I also took a guy’s interview for digital marketing. Seems mediocre but willing to rise and shine y’know. I don’t trust people. This guy seems he wants to work adn improve, literally asked me hy is…

  • 07.22.24

    1108amHy! … just finished sending some Follow up mails to initial applicants for Digital Marketing role. Now I am just waiting for time to pass so I can go get water for the house, and my little sister from college. 2pmWell, I left my headphones at home and have to take an interview between 2pm…

  • 07.21.24

    524pmI don’t think I will be writing anything more after this so … bye. I will still keep it until you know, the interviews are done. One is at 8pm and the other is at 9pm. 620pmSome work is done. Now going to have dinner from C1 and then going to McDonalds for the interviews.…

  • 07.20.24

    1252amDental pain. Ughh! 210pmWell, I am in the NUST Library. One of my favorite places to come to, to work. Sometimes I work a lot here. Sometimes, like today I guess, I work just average. And sometimes I come to work and GTAV or MSFS2 stupid stupid games call out for me. Now you tell…

  • A time will come.

    A time will come when people rule, and the state will be dissolved into people’s power. A time will come when there will be no myths surrounding childbirth in far-flung areas of my country. A time will come when few people will not be so greedy as to torture, kill and then smile for media…

  • Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Speech in Response to the Chairman’s Address at the 88th Annual General Meeting of the Chamber in 1948

    (The speech has been reproduced as it appears in the Chamber’s record. In order to preserve the originality of the speech, no typographical or language improvements have been made to the original text). Mr. Chairman, Members of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce, Ladies and Gentlemen.  It gives me great pleasure, Mr. Chairman, to be here…

  • Some things to avoid

    (This was originally penned in 2021) There will always be a demand for stuff that works because it’s just nice to know. But what doesn’t work, won’t it be nicer to hear that for a sec? To know what not to do? Here are the top 10 things in life which you should start trying…

  • Why should you date someone who keeps you #2? (NSFW)

    (This was originally penned in 2021) A man needs a woman and vice versa. The system shown in movies ‘She’s 4/10, ‘She’s 7/10, ‘Oh she’s gotta be a solid 10’, shows men’s clear (learnt) tendency to rate women on the basis of their looks rather than profession, strength, wealth or any other factor. A 40-year-old…

  • 07.17.24

    731pm Life has changed so much. Today I spent about 3000RS, that is about 3% of my earning, on food I had to buy to sit in the cafe where I work, from 10am onwards. It is still 7 so…I will prolly have to buy another 1000 to stay for the next 6 to 8…

  • 07.19.24

    152pm I can’t believe its Friday. Today. Well, until I saw the clock and then it was a moment of relief and worry at the same time. Relief because now I won’t be actively on-duty and can thus suffer from my swollen mouth, and lips, alone. It is hurting since about 48 hours now. Why…

  • 07.16.24

    0813pm You know how money fixes stuff? I used to have a full set of healthy teeth and no money in university. I know need a full mouth rehab which costs like 4x of what I earn right now. I can’t eat most of the crispy stuff now. And because I don’t fucking brush so…

  • 07.15.24

    1238pm. So … today is 15 July. I woke up with the intention that I will go to University’s library to work because there’s AC there but learnt that Mom had decided to go to a nearby village to meet some relative so, I had to stay home with the kidlets. So … yeah, I…

  • 🎉07.14.24

    335am I am going to see if someone applied as Digital Marketing Analyst for the startup. 140pm Having an interview with a potential Digital marketing analyst. She’s good till now. Now boss is asking questions. It’s been 90 mins so selected or not, she did spend her time on it. Anyways….today’s my Birthday….gotta make 5…

  • 07.13.24

    0232pm My boss had a reminder set that tomorrow is my birthday. I had an hour-long session with him requesting not to tell anybody in the team to which he agreed. Then he asked me to do something different this birthday. I told him there’s nothing much that can give me more pleasure than a…

  • 07.12.14

    338am Trying to do payroll if I can complete it. 155pm Going well till now. I did some payroll before sleeping and some more before getting my sister from college. Then I had to take the other one, the littlest one, to do haircut because grmi. Just returned from there and had milkshake. It was…

  • 07.11.24

    12:27pm Kl b I did not plan my day or prsun b so, today, I am going to plan the day. Working on that right now after bringing sister from college. 0550pm I am talking to myself and I think I could be a narcissistic standup comedy king. Nah, lord. Nah .. too cheeky. teacher!…

  • 07.10.24

    117pm Yesterday (07.10.24 at 1/2am) I slept early … around 3am. This happened b/c I did not do a critical item I need to do every day which is then used to report a generate every Wednesday. Today I woke up at 9am and was like okay, let’s do that and today’s report. Then I…

  • 07.09.24

    0356am Please pray to God I plan my tomorrow before sleeping. 0442am Planned. Gonna do dinner now. 1114am Woke up and going to work, now. 1149am Decided not to do what I had planned to do yesterday, ref Sadapay. Note for next time: Decide maturely, dumbo! 206am I got off one call rn and will…

  • 07.08.24

    201am. Planning for today, done. Let’s do what now? 444am Could not sleep so just completed payroll. Sleepy now! 1134am Just woke up, about 20 mins ago. Set an alarm for 1150pm but then realized I could go and bring my sibling’s books from the stationery shop, earlier than 12pm. So … going there now.…

  • 07.07.24

    0237pm Mom and the kids are back. So, the privacy is over. And I am choosing to give away 7000 to avoid wasting 20mins a day + the added stress/responsibility that comes with having to pick my sibling from college and drop her off at home every day at 12pm. It is going to be…

  • 07.06.24

    303am Next Sunday is my birthday. You can give a hundred and one justifications of not celebrating birthdays but that’s one day where one can be happy without any serious reason. Next Sunday is my birthday and I bet you right now Tess, no one will remember it. I low-key hate it now. Because it…

  • 07.05.24

    127pm So my psychiatrist told me to write “Self-Affirming” stuff. Stuff that will motivate me. Feel-good stuff about myself. Well, here goes: I fuck in managing relationships with close people. Therefore, I will end up being alone. I will cry and sulk and frustrate and maybe do really stupid things too, to get human contact,…

  • 07.04.24

    I just ended up watching a video on how not to procrastinate. I watched that video to procrastinate. They also gave a really cool URL btw…something like ed.ted.buildcharacter I guess. Anyhoo, they said well, do 3 things when you are procrastinating. First off, write why you are procrastinating. Journal it. So I am doing that…

  • Fictional dialogue between boys of different economic classes in Pakistan

    (A is the son of the owner of multiple malls. B is the son of the owner of multiple shops in A’s dad’s mall. C is the son of the security guard of A’s mall tasked to stop poor cunts from looking at the mall) B: Well, what do you think of me? C: You…